Friday, August 9, 2019

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

There is a lot of information on how to live a healthy lifestyle on the internet. This information ranges from complicated diets to simple tips like "drink water" and "be active". When conducting research on how to live a healthier lifestyle, I found myself in a blurry of different tips, workout regimens, quick fixes, and diets. 

One of the more interesting articles that I stumbled upon was published by The New York Times and titled "Why So Many of Us Don't Lose Weight When We Exercise". As someone who has struggled with weight-loss, I was instantly intrigued and read on. Inside, I found a study that was conducted over a 6-month period that included 171 overweight and sedentary men and women. 

During this period each person was randomly selected to continue with their daily life (control group) or participate in either light or moderate exercise. Daily caloric intakes were monitored and by the end of the study, researchers found that the people slotted in the exercise groups compensated for their exercise by consuming more calories. Their extra calories consumed were small, ranging from 90 to 125 calories per day, but were large enough to have an impact on their overall weight-loss. 

I do yoga daily and also go to the gym 3 to 4 times per week. I’ve always thought that my exercise was sufficient enough to consider myself relatively healthy, but this study made me reflect on my own actions. After my yoga session what do I do? Usually, I tend to eat some fruit. What about after the gym? I come home and eat a salad.

My food choices tend to be healthy but the added calories to my day could be why my weight generally stays the same instead of declining like I would hope it would. After reading this, I’ve decided to chew on this food for thought, rather than an extra piece of fruit or salad after my workouts.


Reynolds, Gretchen. “Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise.” The New York Times, 3 July 2019,

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